Sunday, February 21, 2010

Emerging Technology 2: Wordle

I was not familiar with this program prior to taking this class but have seen so much of it in the past month or so that I now feel like I've known about it for awhile!  This program is a great way for students to demonstrate understanding at the end of a unit or brainstorm thoughts an ideas at the start of a project or lesson.  We are studying currently studying landforms so I plan to have students create a list of as many landforms that they can think of in Wordle.  Important things for students to be aware of before they create their own Wordle is that the main word or words that appear larger than others need to be typed repeatedly in order to increase the font size.  I typed "landforms" three times and the other words one time each.  In order to keep words or phrases grouped together in the Wordle it is necessary to type a "~" in between the two words.  For example on my landforms Wordle I typed "sand~dune."  Students will enjoy seeing how they turn out after they are created.  They will also enjoy editing the colors of the font and background.  I will have to be sure that students do not view the gallery because there are a variety of Wordles that are not school appropriate.  I plan to take my students to the computer lab this week and have them create their own landform Wordles!  Once they are familiar with this program, it will be fun to include this activity as an OYO (on your own) activity during literacy centers.


  1. Wordle looks like a fun activity for students to do. It will be especially nice when they are knowledgeable enough to do it on their own!

  2. I love Wordle. I use it all the time with my 4th graders. It is so easy for them to use once they learn!
